Quality Water Solutions, LLC

Chemical-Free Water Treatment Alternatives

Bacteria & Algae Control

Microbiological growth is a major concern in water treatment. It is the one way your cooling system can become a liability. A program that keeps bacterial colonization to a minimum is a must.  Algae consists of various green, red, or brown organisms that grow mostly in water, ranging in size from single cells to large spreading seaweeds. Like plants, algae manufacture their own food through photosynthesis and release large amounts of oxygen into the atmosphere. Controlling algae is an important part of any water treatment program.

Ecology Cell

Around 1984, Professor Tom Murray, Jr. of the University of Louisville’s Speed Scientific School reached out to  our partner firm’s founder (RSI), about an IONIZATION PROCESS he was working on to control scale, corrosion and bacteria in systems utilizing water as a heat transfer. This technology was a refined usage of impressed current cathodic protection, the same technology that had been used in the shipping and pipeline industry for over 100 years.  The process was tested under controlled situations and found that indeed it successfully controlled scale, corrosion and bacteria much better than traditional chemical treatment approaches. This  ironization process became  in the main product offering for effective chemical-free water treatment solutions. Today, in partnership with RSI, environmentally safe water treatment  is being executed in over 2,500 systems throughout the eastern half of the US. This service is provided through a combination of various direct sales, trained dealers, HVAC service companies, and Quality Water Solutions. LLC (QWS).

Bleed Free Program

The BleedFree™ program is a sustainable and innovative water conservation technology.  Benifits of this program include:

  • The Bleed Free Program easily saves over 100,000 gallons per 100 ton of system capacity.  This savings can be much larger, dependent on incoming water quality and higher load on system.
  • The Program drastically reduces testing and operator time devoted to water treatment.
  • Eliminates the water and chemical waste of full blown “bleed and feed” programs.
  • Achieves extremely low corrosion and bacteria levels.
  • The included program monitoring system automatically emails  QWS technicians and you if water is ever outside desired parameters.

About us

QWS, in partnership with the RSI Team Green, has kept cooling towers, chillers and chilled loops (currently over 600 systems) clean and running efficiently since 1978.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, our water treament solutions, and creative opportunities to meet your water treatment needs while positively impacting  our environment.